Hounslow Council is leading the way in saving energy costs and being one of the greenest boroughs, by putting into place the largest solar panel installation using battery storage in Europe.
Supported by the Mayor of London’s RE:FIT programme, the council has installed over 6,000 solar panels on the rooftop of the Western International Market [WIM], and is the first authority to adopt battery storage to maximise power use on site and minimise export to the national grid.
With a total of 6,069 panels, the £2m investment by the council will generate approximately half of the market site’s required electricity (3.5MW), the equivalent of powering 1,750 homes.
The project at the site, which is owned by the council in Hayes Road, Southall, is set to save the council £143,000 in energy costs per year in the first year of operation, with the FIT tariff included, it will be better off by £247,000 and will cut emissions by more than 780 tonnes per year.
The WIM site is west London’s largest wholesale market for fresh produce and flowers and serves over 80 wholesalers and buyers from across the capital.
Find more information here.
Charles Pipe, Energy Manager for Hounslow Council, said:
“We are very proud to be leading the way in sustaining energy and costs for businesses and residents. This project demonstrates Hounslow Council’s aspirations to convert Western International Market to a carbon-zero site.
“From the very beginning, this project has been about reducing our carbon footprint and making savings and investments for the future.
“Not only can we expect to see immediate savings on our electricity bills, but we are expecting to see a return on this investment within 7 years.”