CompeteFor Industry Analysis: Transport

The CompeteFor Industry Analysis focus this week moves onto the Transport industry.

If you’re looking to grow as an SME, this series is a great place to start examining the top industries and sectors currently seeing investment.

HS2 (High Speed 2) construction will begin in 2017 and £1.1bn will have been invested in Crossrail before 2019. CompeteFor & Supply are the perfect platform to get sight of these and many more contract opportunities for SMEs already in the public sector market or that are looking to break into this £230bn marketplace.

Expert Comment

Prime Minister David Cameron has made a ‘transport revolution’ a key priority for the upcoming Parliament, with some of the Government’s largest investments coming in the transport sector.

This will be nothing less than a revolution – one which will lead to quicker journey times, more jobs and businesses boosted right across the country.”

Patrick McLoughlin, the Secretary of State for Transport commented “Decent transport doesn’t just help people get around. It helps them get on. It opens up opportunity. It provides access to education and jobs. It connects businesses with customers – whether your market is Bradford, Birmingham or Brazil. And it gives firms a competitive edge.”



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