Following what is expected to be yet another record breaking year for inward investment to Wales, the Economy Minister has announced a programme of 27 overseas events to promote trade and investment in 2015-16.
The trade missions and overseas events programme runs until the end of this financial year and will cover 12 different countries in Europe, North America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Economy Minister, Edwina Hart, said:
“Developing new export markets for Welsh businesses and attracting inward investment is vital to our plans to create economic growth and jobs. It is clear our policies are working and the long-term the trend for Welsh exports is very positive.
Since devolution there has been an increase of more than 100 per cent in Welsh exports, the highest of the four UK countries, and in 2013-14 we recorded the best-ever foreign inward investment results since records began 30 years ago. We also anticipate that when they are published, the latest figures for last year’s inward investment projects will be even better.
Our programme of trade missions and presence at overseas trade exhibitions focuses on new and established markets across our target sectors. We are committed to helping Welsh businesses expand their markets through this programme but also through a comprehensive package of support available from Business Wales.”